Installing decks with composite deck boards has never been easier thanks to modern mounting systems. In this article, we will compare two popular systems: standard and ultra-fast. The ultra-fast system might turn out to be the best deck board installation system on the market!
Standard System The standard system is a traditional installation process that requires drilling and screwing. It's a solid solution but can be time-consuming. Using screws and a drill, the boards are fastened to the joists.
Ultra-Fast System The Ultra-Fast system is a modern installation system that allows for quick and easy board installation without the need for drilling and screwing. Mounting clips are inserted into the joists, which speeds up the process and makes it simple, even for DIY beginners.
Main Differences The main difference between these two systems lies in the time and effort invested in installation. The Ultra-Fast system saves time by eliminating the need for drilling and screwing. With the Ultra-Fast system, deck installation becomes express. For example, when installing a 20 sq. m deck using the Ultra-Fast system, you save yourself from drilling and screwing up to 360 screws.
If you're looking for a quick and efficient way to install a deck, the Ultra-Fast system might prove to be an excellent solution. It's especially recommended for people who don't have experience with drilling and screwing. This doesn't mean that even the best professionals won't appreciate the time savings!
The Ultra-Fast system is compatible with our Bergdeck and ECO deck boards.
What's included in the Ultra-Fast system? The system uses the Ultra-Fast joist, Ultra-Fast installation kit, and Ultra-Fast starter clip. Aluminum joists can also be used – ULTRA-durable ones. Starter and end clips are essential for installing the Ultra-Fast system. They are used in the installation process – to start and finish the deck installation.
Collaboration with YUTRA PRO If you're a contractor, installer, architect, designer, decorator, property owner, or influencer, it's worth considering collaboration with YUTRA PRO. It can bring additional benefits – familiarize yourself with the program rules.
The choice between the standard and Ultra-Fast system depends on your skills and needs. If you value speed and convenience, the Ultra-Fast system might be perfect for you. However, if you prefer traditional installation methods, the standard system will be appropriate. It's also a cheaper solution.